A look behind the curtains - module loading in Perl 6

by Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎) (Linz.pm)

A look behind the curtains - module loading in Perl 6 aimed at Any. This talk starts on 2016-03-10 at 14:50 for 20 minutes. It takes place at the DATEV.

Rakudo's CompUnit architecture was designed to master the many challenges Perl 6' features pose. Even more, it provides entry points where user code can do very interesting things without resorting to black magic. This talk will give you a look behind the curtains on how it was implemented and how it can be used for more than just plain "use" statements.

Further information: https://youtu.be/uu8auCKCUN4

Slides: http://niner.name/talks/

Tags: Tags: perl6

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