18th German Perl Workshop 2016 in Nuremberg
from 09th to 11th and also on 12th March 2016

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The German Perl Workshop is an Open Source conference for everyone, organized by community of the Perl Programming Language yearly in Germany. The 2016 GPW takes place in Nuremberg, Fürther Str. 111. The Venue is called DATEV IT-Campus. Most of the talks will be held in German, but talks in English are welcome as well of course.
The workshop starts on March 08th with the preconference meeting. This year we have an extra day, March 12th. On this day we have a room for hackathons. Alternative we have planned special touristic activities. For accompanying family members with we have organized a partner program on the 3 conference days.
Registration is possible until February 17th 2016. See "News" for further information.

Signup for attendance now

We want you as a speaker

Talk suggestions

Imporant information

E-mail contact: orga-gpw2016@list.cluster-team.com

We will regularly post news on our mailing list
Address: gpw2016@list.cluster-team.com
To add yourself: https://ml.cluster-team.com/mailman/listinfo/gpw2016

Latest news

17/02/16 Registration was possible until February 17th

Registration is now closed. Our Sponsor, DATEV e.G., needs a fixed list of participants for guest badge creation.
YAPC::Europe 2017 is hosted by Cluj.PM in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The location of the German Perl Workshop 2017 is not known at the moment.

23/12/15 A bug could stop the order page

If you select a detail (radio) and then untick the main entry (checkbox) you are not able to finish the order. Reload the page helps to unselect.

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