Sori Salca (‎Sori‎)

Cluj Napoca

Attending talks

‎Making your web application work for everyone‎
‎Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class‎
‎Mocking APIs for Emulation Driven Development‎
‎CSV with flexible headers (perl5 & perl6)‎
‎Writing command line tools made easy‎
‎Quantifying creativity: using Perl to analyze the process of writing‎
‎When you don't want Agile‎
‎How's the Perl Jobs market‎
‎Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application (Online presentation)‎
‎Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers‎
‎Jenkins 101: Getting started‎
‎Karel: Educational programming language‎
‎Mir, a Media Information Retrieval System‎
‎Index optimization: from B-tree to ICP‎
‎Error(s) Free Programming‎
‎Documenting Code - Patterns and Anti-Patterns‎
‎A decade of dubious decisions‎
‎Perl 5.24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance‎
‎HTML::FormHandler: Web Forms and More‎
‎From 5.12 to 5.24: Upgrading a business application‎
‎First months as a new Perl developer‎
‎A few git bits‎
‎Low level details for high level developers‎
‎Studying Geneva real estate prices using Perl grammars‎
‎A tale of a Perl start-up‎
‎Better Code Review?‎
‎Why you should do centralized monitoring, logging and how we do it in Avast (in Perl)‎
‎Keynote Day 1‎
‎Keynote Day 2 - State of the Velociraptor‎
‎Keynote Day 3‎
‎Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!‎