Moo - almost, but not quite, two thirds of Moose

By Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) from,,,
Date: Monday, 20 August 2012 14:30
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate

Moose is one of my favourite things to happen to perl in the last five
years, but the startup overhead and additional dependencies can be hard
to justify for very small projects.

So I asked myself ... "what's the smallest portion of Moose that I could
get by with, that would be easy to build so that when I load Moose my
classes can transparently upgrade themselves?".

The result is Moo - which provides most of the basic syntax of Moose -
and rather than trying to reinvent the MOP part, remembers enough to
make you a Moose::Meta::Class if you decide you need one later.

In this talk, I'll go over exactly which bits of Moose it provides, which
bits it doesn't (this list is longer :), why, and how it's built from
the ground up to be the right answer to "I want something smaller than Moose".

Attended by: Martin Becker (‎martin‎), Karl Gaissmaier (‎Charly‎), Matthias Zeichmann, Christian Walde (‎Mithaldu‎), Alberto Simões (‎ambs‎), Matthias Bloch (‎maettu‎), Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎), Bert, Hans Ophüls (‎hop‎), Michael Jemmeson (‎michael‎), Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Eric Johnson (‎kablamo‎), Claudio Ramirez (‎nxadm‎), Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Gunnar Koppel (‎wk‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Snorri Briem, Dominic Humphries (‎djh‎), Leo Lapworth (‎ranguard‎), Aaron Crane (‎arc‎), Fabian Zimmermann (‎fobs‎), Carlos Juan Diaz (‎cjuan‎), Tobias Kremer (‎soulchild‎), Johann Rolschewski (‎jorol‎), atoomic, Abe Timmerman (‎abeltje‎), Markus Pinkert (‎Bedivere‎), Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Farhad Fouladi, Mike Eve, Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎), Henk van Oers (‎hvoers‎), Oskari Ojala (‎Okko‎), Nuno Carvalho (‎smash‎), Herbert Leitz, Magnus Zeisig (‎magnuz‎), Anders Melchiorsen, Dmitry Karasik (‎McFist‎), Francisco Lourenço (‎fml‎), Minesh Patel, Anne Thorniley, David Farrell (‎dnmfarrell‎), Alex Timoshenko, Roman Baumer (‎rba‎), Tudor Crisan, Sören Laird Sörries, david dunnington, Adina Iulia Dumitru, Jean, Jeroen Visser (‎jvisser‎), Mirela Iclodean, Darko Obradovic, Arjen Laarhoven, Hilko Bengen (‎hillu‎), Philippe Bruhat (‎BooK‎), Aristotle, Nicolas Mendoza (‎nicomen‎), mirod, Francoise Dehinbo (‎franky‎), Luís Miguel Braga (‎microft‎), Jesper Dalberg, Tri Duong Tran, Dirk Joos (‎Dirk80‎),
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