Wiki - Achievements

Teams achievements

Act and YACT

Act, "a Conference Toolkit" is the software used to register most of the Perl conferences, and this one in particular. It was built in 2003.

YACT is a rewrite that started at this hackathon.

Fusion Inventory

Personal achievements

Olivier Mengué (‎dolmen‎)

Torsten Raudssus (‎Getty‎)

Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (‎maddingue‎)

Sébastien Feugère (‎smonff‎)

Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎)

Pau Amma

Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

Guillaume Rousse (‎guillomovitch‎)

Gonéri Le Bouder

Sébastien Dorey (‎sdo‎)

Tomás Abad

Stéphane Payrard (‎cognominal‎)


Marek Šuppa (‎mrshu‎)

Valentin Schmid (‎mwm‎)

version 38 saved on 13/12/12 12:11 by Sébastien Dorey (‎sdo‎)

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