London Perl & Raku Workshop 2024 Schedule Now Available

04/09/24 07:28 by Lee Johnson

The schedule for this year's London Perl & Raku Workshop is now visible: Please please please (please please) make a point to mark those talks that you plan to attend as this will allow us to tweak the schedule a bit if some talks are more heavily favourited than others.

The venue opens for attendees at 9am and we plan to start talks at 9:30am. Drinks will be available throughout the day, hence no need to have dedicated breaks there. Lunch will be at midday for an hour, there are plenty of options close to the venue to grab something to eat. If we receive a couple more sponsors we can have lunch at the venue, but currently that won't be possible.

There are a couple of spots left for talks, otherwise the schedule is full. Please don't let this put you off submitting a talk as it's possible some speakers may have to change their plan.

You'll note that there are three "Open Sessions" in the The Study. This room can hold 15 people seating with room for a presenter. We can host a breakout, BOF, hackspace, whatever you suggest. There will be no recording facility in this room, but if no suggestions are made we will likely use it to schedule some of the remaining talks.

The London Perl and Raku Workshop will take place on 26th Oct 2024. Thanks to this year's sponsors, without whom LPW would not happen:


More information about all of our valued sponsors is available on our sponsors page.