Submitted talks: 6
Accepted talks: 6

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Mohammad Anwar (‎manwar‎) ‎Create and publish your first Perl 6 module distribution‎ 20 minutes English 19/10/19 11:30
Mohammad Anwar (‎manwar‎) ‎The Perl Weekly Challenge Review‎ 20 minutes English 19/10/19 14:30
Fernando Oliveira ‎Red - An ORM for perl6‎
[ Abstract ]
20 minutes English 19/10/19 15:50
Simon Proctor (‎Scimon‎) ‎Building a Perl6 Module with App::MI6‎ 20 minutes English 19/10/19 12:00
James Raspass (‎Raz‎) ‎Running Arbitrary Code Safely: Building a Perl 6 Playground‎ 20 minutes English 19/10/19 14:30
Lance Wicks ‎Perl 6, losing your Perl 5 accent‎ 20 minutes English 19/10/19 16:20
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