A Changed Keynote

08/12/15 10:23 by Mark Keating (‎mdk‎)

It is with great sadness that we must announce a change in this year's keynote for the London Perl Workshop. Jonathan Worthington will be unable to present at this year's event due to a refusal from the UK authorities to grant his partner a visa.

Jonathan made the following statement:

"I'm very sorry to have to withdraw from this year's London Perl Workshop. My wife was today notified that she has been refused a visa to travel to the UK, where we intended to spend Christmas with my family (which is why I was coming to the UK in December in the first place). I find this decision unacceptable, and have decided that I also will not travel to the UK for the foreseeable future."

Obviously all our sympathies go to Jonathan and his family as this must have been shocking, and distressing, news and has clearly deeply affected their holiday plans. Our wish is that this irrational decision will be altered in the future and that they will be able to visit family.

Same, sort of, Topic. New, sort of, face

It is not all doom and gloom though as the wonderful Liz Mattijsen will be presenting the Keynote on Perl 6 in Jonathan's place. Liz has been working with Jonathan for several years on Perl 6. Liz is in close communication with Jonathan as she prepares a Keynote for us to enjoy on Saturday.

So while we feel great sadness at not being able to see Jonathon we should mix that in a glass of sweet ambivalence as we dwell in joy at the anticipation of Liz's talk.



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