Perl Weekly join the ranks of Community Sponsors
30/11/15 10:03 by Mark Keating (mdk)
It is a pleasure to announce that the Perl Weekly has been added to our list of Community Sponsors. We have received excellent support from the weekly newsletter throughout the year and they truly are part of our valued community family.
The Perl Weekly helps to promote a wide variety of Perl events while also distilling the important news from the Perlsphere right into your inbox
A free, once a week e-mail round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl.
You are busy churning out code or managing the developers. You care about Perl but don't have time to go through tens and hundreds of articles and blog posts every day. You want to keep an eye on the development of Perl without drowning in a sea of blog posts. You need someone to point out the most important news and articles in the Perl World.
Let us be your guide.
Join the 5900+ people who received the previous issue!
If you like the Perl Weekly newsletter it would be awesome if you could help spreading the word about it. This can be done by sending one of the issues to a co-worker or a friend and recommending they subscribe to the newsletter. This can be done even without forwarding the newsletter just by sending a link and a recommendation.
Make sure you track at least one of the editors down on the day (it won't be hard he is giving three talks) and thank him for his work in bringing this valuable addition to the Perl world to life.