2 Weeks Notice

22/10/15 09:34 by Mark Keating (‎mdk‎)

The London Perl Workshop call for papers will close on Friday 6th November 2015. That means you have just 2 weeks left to submit your talks for acceptance. There has already been a bunch of talks accepted as part of this year's early acceptance rule (talks link) and some more have been accepted this morning.

We are happy to announce that this year there are a bunch of sponsors returning to the workshop. So please make sure you use Social Media and your time on the day to say hi to the sponsors and thank them for their generous support. If you know of anyone who is still thinking of sponsoring the event this year then please ask them to contact me at their earliest convenience. There is always still time to sponsor the workshop.

The usual conference pre-event on the Friday night will this year be held at the Sports bar and Grill in Waterloo. Thanks to Rick Deller at Eligo for organising this event. We have a room and and festivities will commence from 6 p.m. (or earlier as it is a Friday night).

At this time we have no sponsor or event planned for Saturday night. This year is the first year in many that we haven't the services of Steve our Saturday Night orga. If anyone wants the task of arranging an after event function, with the associated 'thanks mate' reward then please contact me.

On the subject of volunteers I will be accepting names to help out on the day. As always there will be a small Shadowcat contingent who will be along and I have the usual list of suspects who have already offered help, but anyone else is very welcome.

The Event could use your help in promotion. If anyone has a meetup account (if the London Perl Mongueurs use such a thing) or similar and wishes to place the event onto that it would be greatly appreciated. We welcome people from all disciplines and languages and the broader the audience the better.

For those of you who are merely attending the event make sure that you register, state your donation preference (and this can be £0 but it helps us if you do this step) and pick what talks you think you'd like to see so we can start to judge numbers and room assignments.

As always I am looking forward to seeing you all on the day and please don't hesitate to contact me with any enquiry at m.keating@shadowcat.co.uk.

It's Christmassssssss.



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