Call for Presentations

The German Perl and Software Engineering Workshop takes place from April 15th to April 17th 2024 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Like last year, we got a room in the Saalbau Gallus .

We are looking for your contribution in the form a talk (20 minutes or 40 minutes), a lighting talk (5 minutes) or a workshop (2-4 hours). Please submit your proposals using this online form.

The topic in 2024 is Generation AI - on the one hand, the creation of worlds, language and Raku and Perl programs with the mechanisms of artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, we are the people who can use and shape these tools. Presentations with these focal points are particularly sought after, but all contributions on Perl, Raku and software development in general are welcome.

Some examples of topics for your inspiration:

  • Perl Futures – Focus on further development of Perl / Raku
    • new or interesting language features
    • practical applications that benefit
    • instructive real-life anecdotes with new language features
    • reports about successful migrations of code to modern syntax
  • Perl Futures – Focus Structured Deployment
    • Development of structured, complex applications / deployment
    • advantages and disadvantages of scripting languages, especially Perl/Raku
    • @INC, Package namespaces, module loading and dynamic code
    • Perl/Raku in Shared Web Hosting
  • general
    • anything related to Perl/Raku
    • software architecture
    • application or network security
    • domain-driven design
    • software craftmanship
    • continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

We accept talks in German or English language. Any slides/materials is going to be published on the Web. So we prefer that to be in English.

Talks can be submitted until Friday, March 1st 2024.