Cron::Sequencer - replaying crontabs (and the pitfalls on the way)

by Nicholas Clark (

Cron::Sequencer - replaying crontabs (and the pitfalls on the way) aimed at Any and is held in English. This talk starts on 2023-02-28 at 11:00 for 40 minutes. It takes place at the Room 1.

PayProp's batch systems are scheduled by crontabs. We want to be able to replay history to test refactored code against the original, to give us coverage for corner cases - especially the unknown unknowns.

Knowing when a given crontab line runs - plenty of choices.
But putting different commands in crontab in order - nothing did this.

Hence Cron::Sequencer.

This talk starts with an overview of the module and the problems it sets out to solve. But "no plan survives contact with the enemy" - when the code was 80% complete I realised I needed to redesign the internals. So the second 80% of the talk covers how I solved this, explaining several obscure but very useful features of Getopt::Long

Tags: cron getopt::long

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