Test your App and get a Demo Video for free!

von Tina Müller (‎tinita‎) (Berlin.pm, Bicycle.pm)

Test your App and get a Demo Video for free! richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 28.02.2023 um 10:20 Uhr und dauert 20 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 statt.

This is about testing an application in a graphical environment, not about unit tests.
I will show you how you can write automated tests for your graphical app with the openQA software developed at SUSE.
It will always create a video of the test, which you can then use as a demonstration for your app.
* No need to record a video manually yourself
* Rerun tests on changes and the video will be always uptodate!

Präsentation: https://perlpunk.github.io/slides.2023.gpw/

Tags: test
