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Introduction to Perl 6 training

von Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎)

Introduction to Perl 6 training richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 03.04.2018 um 10:00 Uhr und dauert 420 Minuten. Er findet im Hännesche statt.

Name of the training:
"Introduction to Perl 6"

8 hours (with 3 breaks)

- People with no experience in Perl
- People with Perl 5 experience

- Understanding of programming in general
- Laptop with internet
- No software pre-installed needed


- Introduction (1 hour)

- What is Perl 6?
- Why is it important to learn it now?

- Perl 6 design ideas
- Perl family
- Language defined by specification
- Proper OOP
- Regexes on steroids
- Concurrency and parallel computing
- Unicode support

- Perl 6 compiler
- Installing Rakudo Star
- Installing from packages
- Compiling from sources
- REPL shell
- Command-line options

- Part 1. The basics of the language (4 hours)

- Variables and types
- Scalars, arrays, hashes
- Ints, Rats
- Nums, Complex numbers

- Operators
- Categories
- Infixes, prefixes, postfixes
- Circumfix, postcircumfix
- Ternary operator
- Meta-operators
- Hyper-operators

- Control flow
- if, unless, else
- loops

- Functions (subroutines)
- Definiing a function
- Signatures
- Default and optional arguments
- Named arguments
- Passing arrays and hashes
- Defining your own operators

- Classes
- Defining a class
- Class attributes
- Class methods
- Hyerarchy
- Roles

- Part 2. Beyond the basics (3 hours)

- Regexes
- Matching
- Special characters
- Character classes
- Quantifiers
- Adverbs (modifiers)
- The Match object

- Parallel computing
- Junctions
- Threads
- Promises
- Channels


Tags: perl6
