Andrey Mikhaylenko (‎neithere‎)

Czech Republic
Perl mongers group
NetSuite OpenAir
Web page


Perl, Python, JavaScript

Attending talks

‎Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class‎
‎Mocking APIs for Emulation Driven Development‎
‎How to write an API endpoint in 2016‎
‎Why you want to use Swagger/OpenAPI for your REST API‎
‎Writing command line tools made easy‎
‎When you don't want Agile‎
‎The neuroscience beyond the usability‎
‎Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application (Online presentation)‎
‎Refactoring with Statsd, Toggle and Scientist‎
‎PONAPI: let's REST‎
‎Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
‎Index optimization: from B-tree to ICP‎
‎Go for Perl Programmers‎
‎Documenting Code - Patterns and Anti-Patterns‎
‎A decade of dubious decisions‎
‎Ten Things you Need to Know About Perl 6‎
‎HTML::FormHandler: Web Forms and More‎
‎Bots for Telegram‎
‎The Metabrik Platform: Rapid Development of Reusable Security Tools‎
‎Finding dead code, the quick and easy way, with Devel::QuickCover‎
‎Low level details for high level developers‎
‎Is Javascript Perl?‎
‎Writing Perl extensions in Rust‎
‎Symbiosis of Docker and Perl‎
‎Extending Syntax - Signatures, Operators and Compound Statements‎
‎Fraudulent Perl‎
‎Keynote Day 1‎
‎Keynote Day 2 - State of the Velociraptor‎
‎Keynote Day 3‎
‎Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!‎
‎Closing Notes‎