
Meet the YAPC::EU 2016 Team: Irina

By Amalia Aida (‎amalia‎) on 08/07/16 18:37

Today we’re featuring Irina, our‪#‎partnersBFF‬.

So if you decide to bring your partner && kid(s) to YAPC::Europe 2016, you should know they’re in good hands. Irina will make sure they won’t stash themselves at the hotel, but enjoy the city && get plenty of action.

Your partners & kids will sure be in good hands. A great program for all 3 conference days is in the making. :D

If you have any question, or suggestions, just get in touch with Irina, she’ll be happy to help.

Check out the conference website & join us as speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, or attendees