Early bird, Speakers, Training Courses, Banners and more
Newsletter for May 21, 2009
Greetings, and welcome to the fifth YAPC::EU::2009 newsletter.
In this issue:
- early bird registration fee
- speakers
- training courses
- banners (for your blogs and websites)
- receipts
Early bird registration fee
If you want to take advantage of the early bird registration fee, now is the time. If you register until May 31st, the fee is 75€. Past that date, registration will be 100€.
If you haven't done it already, go on, point your browsers to http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/purchase and purchase your conference ticket.
We have an incredible list of 75 speakers preparing wonderful talks for you.
Larry Wall and Damian Conway will both be present (and will give keynotes), but that's not all.
If you take a look at the schedule you'll probably recognize names as brian d foy, Matt Trout, Dave Cross, Gabor Szabo, Léon Brocard, Rafael Garcia-Suarez, Abigail, Barbie, Paul Fenwick, Marty Pauley and many others.
It's an incredible ensemble of people we're getting together just so you can hear them speak.
Training courses
We're proud to present you with a nice selection of training classes happening before and after YAPC:
* Introductory Perl, by Dave Cross, August 1st and 2nd
* Perl 6, by Gabor Szabo, August 1st and 2nd
* Mastering Perl, by brian d foy, August 6th and 7th
* New features of Perl 5.10 and Perl Best Practices, by Damian Conway, August 6th and 7th
You can purchase your tickets for these courses on the conference website, at http://yapceurope2009.org/ye2009/purchase.
Each of these two day courses are charged at 220€ (if you're aware of the usual price they go by, you'll know this is a bargain).
We're very thankful to the trainers for doing this, bringing such incredible courses from such highly regarded Perl people at such a low cost.
IMPORTANCE NOTICE: all of these courses have a limit of attendees; if you want to attend, you should book ASAP.
Now that we have most of the important bits sorted out (namely the schedule and the training classes), it is time to tell the world what's going on.
To that end, we created a set of banners you can use on your webpages, blogs and PM homepages.
The logos and instructions on how to use them are available at Logos.
Help us spread the word and make this one of the best YAPCs ever!
If you already payed and require a receipt, don't forget to fill in name, address and VAT number so we can start printing things beforehand.
Unless requested, receipts will be delivered at the conference.
That's all for this newsletter
Feel free to contact us at organizers@yapceurope2009.org for anything
conference related.
See you at the next newsletter,
the organizers
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