Thank You!

24/11/13 18:14 by jonasbn

Thanks to all of the participants at the Nordic Perl Workshop 2013. It was a great, inspiring and educational day. Hoping to see all of you in Helsinki for Nordic Perl Workshop 2014.



Social Event Saturday

19/11/13 13:31 by jonasbn

We have booked a room at Cafe Langebro, which is fairly close to the venue saturday at around 19:30.

Hope to see you there!

Perl 6 developer team is sponsoring dinner

12/11/13 21:12 by jonasbn

We are happy to announce a sponsorship of the dinner at the Nordic Perl Workshop by the Perl 6 developer team.

Thank you very much

Talks accepted

05/11/13 22:34 by Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎)

The talk submission deadline has now passed, and we are really happy that we have been able to accept all the awesome talks that our distinguished speakers have submitted. We have a great lineup of interesting talks, by local and international speakers, and we can all look forward to an excellent workshop!

If you are a speaker, please confirm your talk, so we can work on the schedule.

The finished schedule should be ready in a few days, so stay tuned.

DK Hostmaster is sponsoring lunch

18/10/13 12:36 by jonasbn

Our kind host DK Hostmaster will be sponsoring lunch at the workshop.

Please contact us if you have any special preferences when it comes to lunch.

10th. anniversary workshop

03/10/13 08:20 by jonasbn

As a fellow Perl monger just pointed out to me, this is actually the 10 year anniversary Nordic Perl Workshop. See the list and check for yourself. I just created the series on Lanyrd and did not spot this myself,

This calls for celebration!!

Call for Papers and Participants published

02/10/13 12:19 by Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎)

We have published the Call for Papers, so now there is nothing stopping you from registering and submitting your talks!

The site is now live!

02/10/13 09:13 by jonasbn

We are now live with the site, please register and submit your talks. Hoping to see you at the Nordic Perl Workshop 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Sponsors & Partners

Thanks to our sponsors and partners for making the workshop possible:

The Nordic Perl Workshop has a long tradition of being hosted between the Nordic Countries and cities, by local monger groups in happy collaboration. A list of previous workshops is available at:

The Nordic Perl Workshop 2013 is hosted by DK Hostmaster A/S

Dinner is sponsored by - The Perl 6 Developers Community

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