Best Practices for Managing Episodic Volunteering
von Ann Barcomb (kudra) (
Best Practices for Managing Episodic Volunteering richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 04.03.2020 um 15:40 Uhr und dauert 20 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 united-domains statt.
Episodic contributors, identified by their infrequent and sometimes unpredictable contributions, are a reality in free/libre and open source software projects. Although episodic contributors can be more complicated to incorporate than habitual contributors, they can benefit a project by introducing new ideas, spreading word about the project, and implementing new features. In this talk I will discuss best practices for managing episodic volunteers, based on a Delphi study of community managers from a range of free/libre/open source software projects.
Tags: episodic freesoftware opensource volunteering volunteermanagement
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