Life is too short for shell scripting!
von Tina Müller (tinita) (,
Life is too short for shell scripting! richtet sich an Alle und wird in Deutsch gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 06.03.2020 um 09:55 Uhr und dauert 20 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 united-domains statt.
You write a bash script. Easy.
Later you add a single command line switch. Ok.
Again, later, you want to add another switch, maybe with a short and long option. Mmh, it gets slightly unreadable.
You want to add subcommands? Option validation? Usage output? Completion? Ugh, no...
I will show you an alternative!
(Tested with Bash 3.2.57)
- Sören Laird Sörries
- Harald Jörg (haj)
- Serap Kadam (serap)
- Nicholas Clark
- Martin Becker (martin)
- Julien Fiegehenn (simbabque)
- Johann Rolschewski (jorol)
- Rico Hengst
- Andreas Vögele
- linuxer
- Klaus Rindfrey
- Paul Cochrane (ptc)
- Stefan Seifert (Nine)
- Steffen Winkler (STEFFENW)
- Herbert Breunung (lichtkind)