Register now
Please note: Register and pay until March 11 (or at least tell us via email).
After that there's no guarantee to attend the Social Event, because we have to
order the food in advance.
Inportant Information:
Mailing list: (Subscribe)
Finally, the videos are online (except the lightning talks)!
When the lightning talks are finished this will be posted here.
Tuesday evening the workshop starts with a pre-conference meeting. Add yourself to the list in the wiki if you want to come.
On Wednesday registration starts at 9am.
Wednesday evening there is an optional dinner. We have still place for about 5-10 Persons. Tell us on wednesday morning if you want to join.
Thursday evening the Social Event takes place, which you automatically booked with your workshop ticket. Food, drinks and entertainment is included. Details follow at the workshop.
At the end of the workshop on Friday there will be a tombola, and maybe we can already announce where the workshop 2014 will take place.
You should already have an email in your inbox with a link to a survey of the workshop. Please answer the survey after the workshop.
You can download the proceedings now.