IPL - From Debugger to Interactive Shell

By Rolf Langsdorf (‎LanX‎) from Darmstadt.pm
Date: Wednesday, 22 August 2012 10:15
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: interactive repl shell

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

In comparison to many other script languages the Perl project lacks a convenient interactive shell which is available out of the box.

For instance Rubys "irb" has many advantages over using Perl's debugger started with "perl -de0".

We will show an approach to extend/reconfigure the perldebugger in a way to achieve:

- a REPL feeling by dumping the return values automatically without needing to prepend an p or x command.

- automatic multiline support including indentation (i.e. w/o needing to append "\\")

- importing shell commands for everyday use of commands like "ls" or "cd".

Attended by: Rolf Langsdorf (‎LanX‎), Catalin Ciurea (‎catalin‎), Snorri Briem, Dominic Humphries (‎djh‎), Erik Johansen (‎uniejo‎), Yanick Champoux (‎Yanick‎), Michal Jurosz (‎mj41‎), marc chantreux (‎eiro‎), Farhad Fouladi, Mike Eve, Peter Heuchert, Robin Sheat, André Santos (‎andrefs‎), Francisco Lourenço (‎fml‎), Tobias Reimann, Alex Timoshenko, Winfried Puchinger (‎winpuc‎), Jean Forget, Miguel Godinho, Gerhard Raffius, António Martins (‎ammartins‎), Vincent Bachelier (‎geistteufel‎), Darko Obradovic, Hilko Bengen (‎hillu‎), Patrick Ringl (‎pari‎), Hans-Jürgen Schloz, Matthias Zeichmann, Sören Laird Sörries, Jeroen Visser (‎jvisser‎), Asbjørn Thegler (‎ath‎), Jesper Dalberg, anca grosan (‎ancag‎), Gunnar Koppel (‎wk‎), Christian Altergott, Stepan Cenek, Oliver Miller, Oleg Komarov (‎komarov‎),
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