Perl 6 Documentation -- The Good, The Bad and the Missing

By Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 22 August 2012 14:15
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: 6 documentation perl perl6

While the Perl 6 compilers and modules progress nicely, the state of the available documentation has long been very poor: Scattered bits and pieces all over the internet, many of them outdated or inaccurate.

This is now slowly changing, with and the p6doc utility gaining traction.

This talk shows what's there, what isn't, and our plans for the future.

Attended by: Tadeusz Sośnierz (‎tadzik‎), Nicholas Clark, Martin Becker (‎martin‎), Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎), Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎), Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎), Gunnar Koppel (‎wk‎), Erik Johansen (‎uniejo‎), Aaron Crane (‎arc‎), Michal Jurosz (‎mj41‎), Gianni Ceccarelli (‎dakkar‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Mike Eve, Tobias Reimann, felher, Alex Timoshenko, Gerhard Raffius, Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎), Stéphane Payrard (‎cognominal‎), Stefan O'Rear (‎sorear‎), Nuno Carvalho (‎smash‎), Matthias Zeichmann, John van Krieken (‎vladtz‎), Robin Sheat, Martin Vorländer (‎mvorl‎), Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎),
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