Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday

Monday, 20 August 2012

Time cPanel XING
10:30 Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) - ‎Opening session‎ (10 min, ) 140
10:40 Renee Bäcker (‎reneeb‎) - ‎YAPC::EU 2013‎ (5 min, ) 138
10:50 Renee Bäcker (‎reneeb‎) - ‎Keynote (Larry Wall)‎ (40 min, ) 154
11:50 Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) - ‎Logging Hell‎ (40 min, English) 90 Michael Schwern (‎Schwern‎) - ‎Test::Builder2‎ (40 min, ) 34 BinGOs - ‎Breaking Glass: Perl on Windows‎ (40 min, English) 22 David Leadbeater (‎dg‎) - ‎An exploration of trie regexp matching‎ (40 min, English) 46
12:30 ‎Lunch time‎ (90 min)
14:00 Barbie - ‎The Eco-System of CPAN Testers‎ (20 min, English) 22 Damien Krotkine (‎dams‎) - ‎Dancing with WebSockets‎ (20 min, English) 70 Oleg Komarov (‎komarov‎) - ‎Yandex.Direct: our successful anti-modern Perl‎ (20 min, English) 29 Ulrich Wisser (‎wisser‎) - ‎It is easier to be critical than correct‎ (20 min, English) 60
14:30 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) - ‎Moo - almost, but not quite, two thirds of Moose‎ (40 min, ) 64 Lenz Gschwendtner (‎norbu09‎) - ‎Continuous deployment with Perl‎ (40 min, English) 60 Jonathan Worthington (‎jnthn‎) - ‎Exceptional Perl 6‎ (40 min, English) 26 Tomas Doran (‎t0m‎) - ‎Messaging, interoperability and log aggregation - a new framework‎ (40 min, English) 61
15:20 Leo Lapworth (‎ranguard‎) - ‎DBIx::Class for beginners‎ (20 min, English) 51 Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) - ‎Refactoring Perl code‎ (20 min, English) 75 Barbie - ‎Labyrinth Is/Isn't A Web Framework‎ (20 min, English) 23 Reini Urban (‎rurban‎) - ‎address-sanitizer‎ (20 min, English) 26
15:40 ‎Coffee break‎ (30 min)
16:10 Eric Johnson (‎kablamo‎) - ‎Selenium testing with Perl‎ (20 min, English) 59 Nuno Carvalho (‎smash‎) - ‎Ontology Aware Applications‎ (20 min, English) 51 Abigail - ‎Being A Perl Release Manager‎ (20 min, English) 29 Aaron Crane (‎arc‎) - ‎Calamitous Context: Stop Breaking My Code!‎ (20 min, English) 49
16:40 Leon Brocard (‎acme‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎ (60 min, ) 157
19:00 ‎Social Event‎ (180 min)
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