The colleagues you didn't know you had

von Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) (

The colleagues you didn't know you had richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 31.03.2022 um 12:00 Uhr und dauert 40 Minuten. Er findet im Raum 1 statt.

Take a look at the code you use at your business. Do you know its dependencies? Do you know how much work has been put into these, and by who? Even if you do, chances are that your colleagues don't.

In this presentation, Salve intends to show a way to help increase our work colleagues' awareness of these too-often overlooked dependencies – and thereby help all of us a few steps closer toward a sustainable Open Source ecosystem – that we can depend on for years to come.

There's an awareness deficit among our colleagues – How do Open Source projects and people influence the business? What value is gained or saved when the business depends on Open Source projects? What kind of relationships does the business have with the people behind these projects?

Let's take this first step to remedy this deficit – by introducing our Business colleagues to our Open Source colleagues.

Tags: community dependencies outreach
