Hook into the Rainbow: Writing Plugins for Mojolicious

von Nils Diewald (‎Akron‎)

Hook into the Rainbow: Writing Plugins for Mojolicious richtet sich an Alle und wird in English gehalten. Der Talk beginnt am 26.03.2014 um 14:00 Uhr und dauert 40 Minuten. Er findet im Bühne statt.

Mojolicious is a powerful web framework, allowing you to create web applications rapidly and clean, especially by using your code with useful plugins downloaded from CPAN!

Mojolicious makes it easy and fun to extend its core functionalities by providing several entry points to hook into. This talk will give you a brief overview on helpers, hooks, shortcuts, commands and even more extension concepts in Mojolicious and how you can use them to create your own plugins (by showing a concrete example). Oh, and I will talk about raptors and unicorns.

Tags: Tags: mojolicious plugins
