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Convince Your Bo$$
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Benjamin Rosas
United States
Attending talks
Real-world parsing with Perl 6
Why you want to use Swagger/OpenAPI for your REST API
Quantifying creativity: using Perl to analyze the process of writing
Resque to the resque!
Lightning Talks Day 1
The non-butterfly effect - a universe where Camelia didn't flap her wings
How to Lie With Benchmarks - Perl 6 is Faster!
The raptor and the butterfly
Incepti0n in Perl 6: Design your own language
Perl 5.24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance
How AWS REST APIs work, and how Paws is built
BDD: webapp testing with Pherkin+Weasel (perl's Behat+Mink)
Emacs as Perl IDE
Ballistic Programming as a Bootstrap
Keynote Day 1
Keynote Day 3
Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!