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Moldvai Edina
Attending talks
How to write an API endpoint in 2016
Writing command line tools made easy
When you don't want Agile
Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application (Online presentation)
Perl Catalyst Design Pattern Deep Dive (Online presentation)
A Quick Tour of Swift for Perl Programmers
Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers
Lightning Talks Day 1
Lightning Talks Day 2
Lightning Talks Day 3
Karel: Educational programming language
A local search engine using Elasticsearch and Dancer
Index optimization: from B-tree to ICP
Error(s) Free Programming
Documenting Code - Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Ten Things you Need to Know About Perl 6
Perl 5.24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance
Perl, Bioinformatics and the Ensembl Project
From 5.12 to 5.24: Upgrading a business application
The Metabrik Platform: Rapid Development of Reusable Security Tools
Finding dead code, the quick and easy way, with Devel::QuickCover
BDD: webapp testing with Pherkin+Weasel (perl's Behat+Mink)
Low level details for high level developers
9 PostgreSQL features I wish I learned earlier
Experience of Perl development for Raspberry PI
Better Code Review?
Keynote Day 1
Keynote Day 2 - State of the Velociraptor
Keynote Day 3
Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!
Closing Notes