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Sori Salca (Sori)
Cluj Napoca
Attending talks
Making your web application work for everyone
Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class
Mocking APIs for Emulation Driven Development
CSV with flexible headers (perl5 & perl6)
Writing command line tools made easy
Quantifying creativity: using Perl to analyze the process of writing
When you don't want Agile
How's the Perl Jobs market
Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application (Online presentation)
Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers
Jenkins 101: Getting started
Karel: Educational programming language
Mir, a Media Information Retrieval System
Index optimization: from B-tree to ICP
Error(s) Free Programming
Documenting Code - Patterns and Anti-Patterns
A decade of dubious decisions
Perl 5.24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance
HTML::FormHandler: Web Forms and More
From 5.12 to 5.24: Upgrading a business application
First months as a new Perl developer
A few git bits
Low level details for high level developers
Studying Geneva real estate prices using Perl grammars
A tale of a Perl start-up
Better Code Review?
Why you should do centralized monitoring, logging and how we do it in Avast (in Perl)
Keynote Day 1
Keynote Day 2 - State of the Velociraptor
Keynote Day 3
Opening - Welcome to YAPC::EU 2016!