Test Automation training, April 21-24th 2009
18-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)In the week after the NPW and the Perl 6/EPO Hackathon, on April 21-24th 2009, Gabor Szabo will be teaching his course on Test Automation. It is based on the 3-day course given in 2008 (right after the Perl QA Hackathon), but has since then been expanded to 4 days.
The training will take place in the class-rooms of Redpill-Linpro - the same venue as the Perl 6/EPO Hackathon. For further details, see Gabor's announcement and the course introduction (in norwegian) at the website.
Part of the income will go to support/sponsor a Perl project (to be announced later.) Last year the course generated enough income so Gabor could offer a grant to Adam Kennedy for his "Perl on a Stick" project.
This event is separate from the Nordic Perl Workshop. Registration and payments are handled directly by Gabor <>.