Bologna, 11-12 Ottobre 2012
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Wiki - Running



If you like Perl but you like running too, we think it would be nice to spend an hour of our permanence in Bologna for a training run in some beautiful track, possibly in the nearby hills.

We will try to select a track as soon as possible, if you are interested you can subscribe right now in the "Who" section below, with your preferences in terms of distance, time and/or paths.


* Starting from "Due Torri" to Monte Donato (Distance: 10.7Km)

* Many laps around Giardini Margherita (Distance: variable)


* Emiliano Bruni (‎emi‎) max 15 Km

versione 3 salvata in data 04/09/12 16:58 di Emiliano Bruni (‎emi‎)

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