Bologna, 11-12 Ottobre 2012
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Wiki - PreConferenceMeeting

Meeting pre-workshop // Pre-workshop meeting

L'incontro pre-workshop si terrà (che sorpresa) la sera prima del workshop, cioè Mercoledì 10 Ottobre, indicativamente dalle ore 18 in poi. Si tratta di un meeting informale in un posto sufficientemente grande e dove sarà possibile sia bere che mangiare.


The pre-workshop meeting will happen the evening before the workshop (what a surprise), that is to say Wednesday 10 October, beginning at 6pm or so. It's an informal meeting in a sufficiently large place where it will be possible both to eat and drink something.

versione 2 salvata in data 04/09/12 18:52 di Michele Beltrame (‎arthas‎)

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