YAPC::Europe 2023 Perl and Koha Conference, Helsinki: uniting Communities, spreading Perl with Koha

by Andrew Nugged (nugged) (Ukraine and Finland .pm)

YAPC::Europe 2023 Perl and Koha Conference, Helsinki: uniting Communities, spreading Perl with Koha aimed at Any and is held in English. This talk starts on 2023-02-27 at 16:10 for 20 minutes. It takes place at the Room 1.

... letting Perl live with one more reason as Koha, but also so much reasons as each of you who will come!

Our beloved YAPC::Europe emotions awaiting: August 14-18, 2023 at Helsinki city center, where University of Helsinki and The National Library of Finland, will be:

The Perl and Koha Conference

and it brings together two Open Source communities - Perl and Koha - to unite. But main goal being "Koha will gift this conference for Perl to grow" - so, YAPC!

Koha, a library management system, is built using Perl and is becoming increasingly popular among libraries, leading to a growing demand for Perl developers. This conference aims to unite the communities of Perl and Koha and to showcase how Koha has become a vital part of the Perl ecosystem.

At the conference, attendees can look forward to a full-featured YAPC::Europe event, with multiple streams of talks covering Perl, Raku, DevOps and other OSS topics like we usually had on YAPCies, and Koha as less-dense separate track. Also auxiliary track dedicated to Ukrainian Libraries Help and Restoration Initiative.

There will also be workshops, hackathons, and social events to provide attendees with plenty of opportunities to learn and network. Additionally, the conference will feature a "Partners Program" to accommodate attendees' families and make the event more accessible. And bring you that Finnish fleur and meet with city, country and society. And nature.

By spreading the word about Koha and uniting the Perl and Koha communities, we can bring more libraries onto the Koha platform and create a virtuous cycle of Perl usage and grow Perl developers and their workplaces as well.

Join us in Helsinki to celebrate and learn from the communities of Perl and Koha, and to make this motto: "Community, Language, Product" happen.

Links to follow:


Official site perlkohacon.fi will be filled with "call for talks" and content.

Further information: https://bit.ly/PerlKohaCon_welcome

Tags: community conference helsinki koha perl yapc

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